meet nicole

HELLO, and thank you for stopping by!

I am so excited to meet you and hopefully act as a fairy God mother to you for all your beauty needs. For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with the beauty of every human face. I started drawing at age 2 and it never stopped. I drew people and faces all through my child and adolescent years. My school books were ALWAYS filled with little sketches of eyes with perfect lashes and perfect brows.

I loved doing makeup on my sisters and their friends but I never really thought Makeup was a “job” or “career” … was just my passion and hobby;)

Well, as life would have it, my husband and I moved from Canada to the USA in January of 2006. At the time we had been married for 3yrs, I was 26yrs old, and had a beautiful 15mo old baby girl. My husband had another 4yrs of school ahead of him, after just finishing up a 4yr degree and I needed to help provide for our little family. Hence… where God, the Universe, whatever you want to call it, clearly pointed me toward what would be the Joy of my career!

Long story short, I have spent the last 15 years with thousands of women getting them ready for their weddings, teaching them how to do their makeup, beautifying them for baby showers, family photos, business headshots, you name it. I have been honored and blessed to win awards in my field and to be loved by many. My business has grown because of my clients and fellow vendors in this industry and all of their which I am forever grateful.

Because of this, however, my business grew very quickly and by 2009, my work and reputation had created a demand too big to fill on my own. It was then that I decided to expand and personally train new makeup artists to my caliber and standard of excellence, as well as the style and brand I had developed so there would be continuity amongst us for our clients. I have also travelled around the country the past 6 years teaching other professional makeup artists and have had many makeup artists travel to me for one on one teaching as well.

Precision in makeup is key for me. It's the little details I put into my makeups that make them flawless transformations and truly bring out each persons BEST features. My JOY comes when a client sees themselves for the first time and their face lights up! it fills my soul to make them smile and show them just how beautiful they are. I don’t think makeup is what makes us beautiful, I think it can just bring out the beauty that was already there.

So, where am I now, 16yrs later? I still do some weddings but I try to be home most weekends with my 2 teenage daughters. I still meet with clients regularly out of my studio in Portland, OR (mostly during the week when my girls are at school) but Last year, I tried my hand at Online teaching and taught over 800 “every day women” a variety of classes. I am currently teaching virtual small group lessons on zoom and am slowly working to finish my expansive online makeup course. In the last 16 years, I have done makeup on over 6,000 faces and worked on more than 1,000 weddings. I am confident that this more than qualifies me as an Expert in my field and I am excited to share my knowledge with as many of you as possible. When we look good, we FEEL good!!! I love the Power of Makeup!

It is important to note that I have extensive experience with all skin tones, skin types, ages and facial features which make me an ideal teacher for ALL women. I truly believe that with the right instruction and the right tools, anyone can learn to master their own makeup. This is what I am striving to do.

I have fallen in love with teaching women how to MASTER THEIR MAKEUP via my online courses.

I have developed my own Makeup brush line, cruelty free lash line and my own Lip Line. This has been my vision for a LONG TIME. Somewhere, where women can go and get lessons, products, brushes and inspiration! I will take the guess work out of it for you so you can get to the most important part, the practice!!

To book Nicole for Makeup and or hair appts (yes she does hair too!), visit her makeup site: Powder Inc Beauty